
How to Convert a Multi-Location Dealership System

In continuation of the articles regarding switching Dealer Management Systems, we will soon be documenting and making public the steps, so that any dealership, even those with multiple locations, can easily move from one management system to another. I have always said that business owners and managers make decisions based on the information that is…
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Make a Big Impact with Video Marketing

Online videos are an ever-present form of online marketing and are becoming increasingly vital to brand awareness. The best part is they can be produced for pennies on the dollar. Buy a good camera once, hire a part-time film student or use a tech-savvy employee and voila – online marketing goldmine! Unfortunately though, many business…
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Colombia Child Care is Focused on Helping the Poorest Children

The Colombia Child Care organization is focused on helping the poorest children in the region and continues its efforts as it faces new challenges each day. In Colombia, there is a concentration of multiple groups with conflicting positions and a lack of a non-violent solution. This creates a vacuum for a normal quality of life…
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